Monday, July 16, 2012


Week One

I used to think studying abroad was a dream which was impossible for me to realize because I took on huge responsibility as a husband and a father of two, and I couldn’t just abandon my family and my job only for my own dream. A couple of years ago, some colleges of mine decided to pursue their master’s degree in the United Kingdom, which made me so jelous. Therefore, when I learned the Ministry of Education was going to subsidize English teachers to study in Australia for five weeks, I immediately knew this was a great opportunity to fulfill my “unfinished business”, so I tried hard to get myself accepted. Now, here I am in Brisbane, studying TESOL with so many amazing English teachers all over Taiwan in such a beautiful country, Australia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


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How to fulfill the Curricular Guidelines and its Indicators of Stage Competence has been highly emphasized by the MOE for a few years. To make sure quality of our English education, the idea is to help teachers to give more consideration and try to get students achieve the given indicators. Thus, a total of eighty teachers signed up for the workshop held by Guangde Junior High school (光德國中) this afternoon, and Ming-Der Girls’ Senior High School (明德女中) is just an ideal venue for conferences like this.