Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My daughter won first prize

I was over the moon when my wife texted me this afternoon, saying "Your daughter just won first prize.". I was like ten times happier than I myself won the championship. I'm really, really proud of her.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sharing English Speaking Activities

What's the purpose of learning a language? To be politically correct, we would probably say something like, "Of course, to be able to communicate in that language.", even though in reality, we don't provide opportunities or deliberately ignore the importance of it because of this test-driven mindset.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Teaching Demonstration Filming Project of NCUE: Superlatives and Simple Past

It's been the second time to work with The College of Extension Education of National Changhua University of Education, NCUE, on this filming project for my third and fourth English teaching videos. The main idea is that English teachers can learn and benefit from the videos of this project online as part of the in-service training program of the Ministry of Education. These two dedicated videos of "Superlatives" and "Simple Past" were demonstrated with a variety of activities based on the principles of Task Based Learning, which emphasizing the meaningful application of the language in a context.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

International Video Conferencing, Picture Book and Mind Mapping, and Board Game

I hadn't been a homeroom teacher for three years when I took on the position as full-time advisor of the English Advisory Group, and I found this job was quite demanding but also rewarding. I tried some interesting activities in this class that I used to think they were only for more advanced learners. However, my NORMAL students have already proved they can be as motivated and willing to learn to USE English as their gifted counterparts.