Saturday, October 31, 2015

Cooperative Learning Workshop at Chung Lun

Sharing what I have learned about Cooperative Learning

Gorgeous campus of Chung Lun
Being invited to share my teaching practices with regard to Cooperative Learning many times, I got to sit through all the presentations of participants’ collaborative lesson planning for the very first time today. I picked up many brilliant ideas and definitely will give it a try in my class, and they are listed as follows.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Microteaching of Cooperative Learning and Reading Activities

Thanks to the event planner’s invitation, I got to travel to NNIEHS Tainan and TYJH, doing microteaching and introducing a series of intriguing reading activities that can motivate interest of learning and also benefit students in terms of reading strategies, such as making predictions, phrase match, Gallery Walk and so on. Based to the participants’ feedback and some detailed questions about teaching practices, I’m pretty sure I’ve made a positive impact.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Microteaching with TBL and Reading Strategeis at LMJH

It was totally my honor today to get invited by this well-established school which has achieved great success in Cooperative Learning. Principal Li took part in the workshop throughout the entire time and asked questions that indicated he himself is also an expert in this field.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cooperative Learning Workshop at STJH

Today, I was given the most warming welcome from the event planner ever. Also thanks to her, two of the students actually greeted me in English, which I think it’s a good opportunity for them not only to show off their talent and hard work in English learning but use the language in an authentic setting.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

English Advisory Group?

 Dear Akiko, 

There is an English Advisory group in each county/city all over Taiwan. It is comprised of several principals and teachers. We are funded by the Ministry of Education and the Education Bureau of Taichung City to organize workshops, English camps, English competitions and so on. I'm a full-time adviser, who takes care of the budget, plans and pretty much everything, so that's why I have only very few classes to teach a week. Imagine this. Those high-ranking officials from the MOE and Education Bureau sitting behind their desks all want to promote English Education policies, but they have very little knowledge and field experience about English teaching practices. So, what can they do?

Monday, October 5, 2015


Doing a teaching demonstration at a school located in a relatively remote area in Changhwa County, I devised some tasks targeting strategies like making predictions, wording meaning in context, making inferences and so on. All in all, the activities worked well to serve their purpose, which is to help students be a more active reader and comprehend a given text in group work.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lesson Plan for a Teaching Demonstration at TCJH


Teaching Demonstration with TBL and Cooperative Learning at TCJH
(B3L3 A Hard Lesson for Jason, Nan-I)

This class is aimed to demonstrate how incorporating reading tasks with Tasked Based Leaning and some Cooperative Learning techniques can help motivate and engage most of the students in terms of reading comprehension strategies.

I. Pre-Task
Objective 1: With some silly questions about Richard, students are willing to take a wild guess on the mini whiteboard by discussing with each other.
Activity 1: True or False
Assessment 1: Observation

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Show and Tell and Hot Seat

Show and Tell has been one of my favorites because students get to introduce whatever they like in English, like their favorite comic books, novels and even video games. To do this right, students have to develop a draft for their oral presentation first, so writing skills are also involved. Next, during presentations, they need to pay attention in order to answer my questions about what just has been said. Thus, listening comprehension is incorporated as well. Prior to that, teacher’s demonstration is necessary because students will have a model to follow in terms of eye contact, volume, organization and so on. On top of that, I also showed my students how to use rubrics to examine each other’s performances so that they can do a better job next time.