Wednesday, June 24, 2015

分組合作學習到校教學演示: 觀課與議課

分組合作學習到校教學演示: 觀課與議課

Teaching Demonstration at HKJH:

Receiving warm welcome and positive feedback from the teachers, this is exactly the driving force that keeps me going no matter what. On top of that, students were engaged and really using the language throughout the whole class.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Microteaching at SGJH

Microteaching at SGJH
A virtuous circle: 邀約-->備課-->到A校微型教學-->省思與修正-->到B校教學演示-->擷取二次上課的經驗-->到C校分享示例

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Teaching Demonstration at DMSH

原先設計的Building rapport活動都還沒用到,結果一進班上學生就說老師很帥,雖說已是中年大叔了,但還是讓我原本有點緊張的心情立刻穩定下來。

Microteaching with TBL and Cooperative Learning at MLJH

Microteaching with TBL and Cooperative Learning at MLJH
A lesson learned. Using only Classroom English is better than EOP.