Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Teaching Demonstration at DMSH

原先設計的Building rapport活動都還沒用到,結果一進班上學生就說老師很帥,雖說已是中年大叔了,但還是讓我原本有點緊張的心情立刻穩定下來。
Time to take it to the next level.

Teaching Demonstration with TBL and Cooperative Learning at DMSH
This class is aimed at demonstrating how incorporating authentic application of the language and some cooperative learning activity techniques can help motivate and engage students with intriguing learning tasks in terms of reading comprehension strategies.
I. Pre-Task
Objective 1: With the pictures shown on the PPT slides and sentences read by the teacher, students are able to match the vocabulary words with their corresponding pictures correctly.
Activity 1: Hammer it
Assessment 1: Observation
Objective 2: Engaged in group discussion, students are able to make predictions about what may be the best title of the text and write down a possible title on the mini whiteboards with justified reasons.
Activity 2: Making predictions
Assessment 2: Mini Whiteboard, Oral Report Rubrics
Objective3: With the scrambled text, students are able to put the sentences back in order correctly.
Activity3: Unscramble it
Assessment 3: Observation, Check List
Objective 4: With the Runners taking turns dictating the text, the Writer in each group is able to copy down the text correctly. 
Activity4: Running Dictation
Assessment 4: Observation, Check List
II. Main Task
Objective 5: With the text broken up into five parts, students are able to complete their tasks answering all the reading comprehension questions collaboratively. 
Activity 5: Jigsaw Reading
Assessment 5: Observation, Check List
Objective 6: With the complete text at hand, students are able to create a mind map collaboratively to summarize the given reading material.
Activity 6: Mind Mapping
Assessment 6: Rubrics for mind map
III. Post-Task
Objective 7: With students’mind mapsposted on the wall, the first three and the other three take turns elaborating on their posters and walking around to learn from each other respectively.
Activity 7: Gallery Walk
Assessment 7: Observation, Oral Report Rubrics
Objective 8: After the Walk, students work in groups and decide on the most inspirational mind map so that they can improve their originals accordingly.
Activity 8: Discussion and Oral Report
Assessment 8: Peer Evaluation
IV. Teaching Procedures
1. Greeting, introducing the topic and what we’re going to achieve today (3mins)
2. Hammer it (3 mins)
3. Making predictions with mini whiteboards (4mins)
4. Unscramble it (3mins)
5. Running Dictation (5mins)
6. Jigsaw Reading and answering the reading comprehension questions (7mins)
7. A simple introduction to mind mapping, getting students creating mind maps ( 10mins)
8. Gallery Walk (10mins)
9. Peer Evaluation, Discussion (2 mins), Report (3 mins)

10.Wrap-up (3 mins)

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