Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Talking about Some Aussie Culture and Career Path to be a Vet

For today's International Cultural Exchange, I invited a very special guest, Steven Yang, a student I taught the very first year I started teaching here in Kuang-Ming back in 2004, to talk about Australia, his career path, and how he overcame language barriers when moving to New Zealand all by himself at a very young age with his Aussie accent.

Prior to this Skype session, I collected some interesting questions from my students for Steven to answer one by one, mainly about the differences between Taiwan and Australia in terms of food, education, and some other cultural significances. On top of that, he also kindly shared his passion for animals and why he chose to become a vet.

My students still didn't talk very much, but there was this one keeping coming up with questions one after another as usual. His English is definitely not the best among these smart students, but he always made quite an impression with his genuine attitude, smiles on the face and eagerness to know more with his not so perfect English.

After the bell rang, I told Steven that he could begin using his first language, and some of the students were quite amused by that. I left them just having a casual talk for a while and took a group photo to call it a day. Well, this class was to provide a glimpse of how important being able to use English can be, especially if they want to follow in Steven's steps and study abroad.

International Video Conferencing  

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